Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Running is Good for the legs,knees- Ignore the nay-sayers (Part 1 of 4)

Many doctors- even those that run and work with runners- believe that running is bad for the knees....

Personal trainers- many in an effort to gain clients/ and from their training- preach against running and for intervals with short bursts as well as resistance training and cross training.....

Running magazines include monthly articles as well as regular social media posts about how to deal with running injuries....

Running is not the problem- HOW we run is the problem.

How do we run? How do we get hurt?

Most of us have real lives and jobs and are NOT OLYMPIANS and this means many/most runners that watch their time and PR's end up with some kind of pain and injury.

What Olympians and Professional athletes have is the time to rest and recover and properly cross-train. This total training package limits/prevents injuries because they run daily on "well rested and recovered" muscles and bones.

We who have jobs and lives end up under-rested and over-trained and have down time in a regular series of down time and ice time.

If more people worked out - NOT trained- properly there would be less injuries and less need for good sites like http://www.runninginjuryoracle.com/.

There will be at least 3 more parts in this series....

Good Luck and stay pain free.

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