Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Starting a cleanse and following with raw food

I am doing a short cleanse (next week)to start the year and will be following it up with a good portion of raw foods. I will include wheatgrass into the raw diet and in future cleanses.

Don't have the grass growing for this cleanse but hopefully will have some as I come out to start rebuilding myself from the inside out. Will have many other sprouted goodies for food, smoothies and salads.

New Year and New Effort- Blogging and otherwise

I hope all had a great and spiritually rewarding Christmas and New year celebration.

I head into 2008 with a lot of plans:
1) Under diet I am experimenting with a Gluten-free lifestyle in addition to Vegan. I had found a few blogs with similar focus and will read and reference them as the year goes on.

2) Athletics - I am training for the JFK50 miler in November. I hope to run at least 2 long races in preparation and many miles of training as well. many other physical efforts will a part of this effort.

3) Personal - I have a number of personal plans and goals that i will undertake and see the results as the year progresses.

4) Work life- Investigate some additional/expanded avenues of work and income and have fun doing it

Alright- have a great year.