Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Coffee, Tea or... Hydration Thoughts

As a coffee drinker I pay attention to my coffee consumption and to studies that look at the benefits of caffeine on fat metabolism and energy during exercise.

Since caffeine is a diuretic it does pose a threat for endurance athletes. SIMPLE SOLUTION- quit drinking caffeinated beverages !

I don't like that idea so I have made a slight change- I drink a glass of water for every serving of coffee or tea that I drink.

I am a fan of Iced coffee and I drink it black most of the time- I often get a 2nd cup with water or refill my glass when I finish. This helps me stay even and limits the temptation for a 2nd ( or 3rd coffee).
I do the same with Green tea.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Eat Right, Move Right, Live Right

As I experiment with and read about raw foods and other vegan options, I also read a few books about running and training. One of the things I have read twice in recent books is the difference between Fitness and Health.
Since I am also involved in helping folks work on their health and fitness goals as well as putting on running events this topic really piqued my interest.
FITNESS = ability to perform in a specific activity ( ie. Run a 26.2 mile marathon) - may or may not be healthy
HEALTH = Body in best condition in terms of Blood pressure, Cholesterol, weight, sugar as well as activity and movement, may also be a great condition to compete in athletic events

Health can’t exist without exercise and movement BUT Fitness can exist in an unhealthy body. Just look at the medical tent at the end of many footraces. Fit people who have just finished a challenging race but are in such a state that they need IV fluids and possibly additional medical attention. People who exercise but rush to the ‘cream filled sugar bombs” , western omelet with extra cheese or Extra large triple latte with hazelnut…and of course those who run so they can eat.
Now living a life of monastic dietary piety is not the only way to go but eating right while moving can multiply the fitness effect while laying on a solid foundation of health. Eat fruit and veggies as part of a standard diet or even better as the foundation of a vegan diet. When being active and training for a “fitness testing” event – train according to your ability and lifestyle. Are you a 5 hour marathoner trying to be a 3hr 45 minute runner? Be realistic and train that way. Need more calories for the additional training add some grains, green smoothies are protein packed and fresh sprouts are powerhouses of fuel and energy.
As you get Fit, pay attention to your health. Do the whole package and truly benefit for a lifetime.

Strawberry Salsa

2 cups sliced strawberries
2 cups sliced cherry tomatoes
1 cups finely diced baby red onions with green tops
1 finely chopped jalapeno pepper
3-5 TBS balsamic vinegar
Fistful of chopped cilantro
Sea salt
Black pepper

(options raw sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds or chopped raw almonds.)
Combine all ingredients in a bowl cover and let sit for an hour in the fridge and enjoy as a side or topping on a salad.