Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where have I been ????

I just realized I have not written in several weeks- not a good way to keep the blog alive and current. I have been doing a lot of reading about writing and blogging- now I get off the pot and write something. The leg is recovering and getting stronger- may start full time running soon. Will add some more short (100-300 yards) intervals as it continues to gain strength. The garden is coming together- been harvesting and enjoying some greens and cabbage goodies ( spinach and bok choi gone recently) Some garden updates: Milk thistle- The milk thistle was looking good a few weeks ago but looks great a it is reaching 3-4 feet tall and the great flowers are out. Blackberries are filling the plants and getting ready to ripen- now to keep the birds away- And some melons growing vigorously in a pile that is mostly (85-90%) used coffee grounds - not sure how the fruit will be but the plants looks great. Now to keep up with this and publish more tomorrow.

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