Saturday, February 3, 2007

Thai Food and Exercise

I have found a few local Thai restaurants make some great Vegetarian dishes and they taste great. I love the Hot and even native Thai spice level since it makes me sweat and even cranks up the endorphins and adrenaline , But it is tasty and doesn't dissolve my tongue.
The only problem is I have not been able to duplicate the dishes at home. I am hoping to find some good basic Thai recipes in the cookbooks I have and find a few new ones as well.
I would like to do them myself because I can cut the veggies and tofu pieces to sizes I like and in proportions I like and serve with a variety of brown rices.
Tonight after a race today I plan to eat brown rice with a basic stir fry with tofu and veggies and a peanut sauce with soy.

1 comment:

KleoPatra said...

There's not much better than vegan Thai food...