Friday, November 16, 2012

Tonics for Happiness, Health and Longevity

I have read much about using foods for health and longevity. Garlic, Ginger, Raw vinegar and I have been experimenting with different mixes. The first I made is a cough and throat tonic that is based on an organic and raw local honey. And 2 lemons are sliced and added to a jar. 2-3 good sized pieces of crystallized ginger is sliced and added to the jar and then it is all topped with the honey and sealed and put in the fridge for a few weeks. It is great and added to tea or taken by spoon.
Now I have just finished assembling the Super Tonic that is made of equal parts: garlic ginger onion horseradish chili peppers All chopped and placed in glass jar and topped with Braggs Raw Apple cider vinegar. It is set aside to age and after 2 weeks will be taken 1-3 times a day and the solids can be used in soups, stews or salad dressing. I am looking forward to my first taste as well as making my next batch.

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