Thursday, March 29, 2007

Honey- Not Vegan????

As a lifetime honey fan I am curious why honey is left out of the vegan diet.
I understand that it is made by bees, BUT then again it is made by bees in the process of bees helping many other plant foods germinate and grow.

I have loved honey as a sweetener for coffee/teas/oatmeal. Long before the industry packaged carbo/electrolyte gels I used honey as a fuel before, during and after exercise / races. I love trying different honeys from different areas and different plant-flower sources.


KleoPatra said...

Have you tried agave? i also have honey from time to time, usually with mustard...

Brigitte said...

it is because vegan believe that no animal should be "used" for food. Since bees are captive in a way, honey is out. That is why I am a vegetarian but not yet a vegan. :) Congrats on your blog. I really enjoy it. And if you don't mind I have linked it to my blog. Let me know if it bothers you and I will take it down.