Sunday, July 15, 2012

Todays training -Not just a workout

3.5-3.8 miles easy on a variety of flats and hills- Getting up and doing a workout can be , IS, fun but doing it as part of a plan for performance TRAINING PROGRAM makes it more enjoyable, exciting and motivating. It is also helpful as an impetus to get going on those SLOW days. But the big key is putting it together with ALL factors involved. I am building a base of solid mileage as my leg heals and will transfer to a marathon training plan. What kind of training program should I follow? The vast majority or programs published in magazines are For and By Olympic caliber runners but less then 2% of us can or should train that way. We aren't built properly for it, we don't have the time to train like that AND recover/rest properly . Now I train easily 5-7 days a week but only 1 day in 14 do I go harder or longer. It allows for better recovery and rest and is sufficient to complete the race and distance. I trained professionally as a football player and basketball player but now I am a Big Guy running....